From: Wright, Richard <>
Date: 04/01/2011 20:11:49 UTC
Subject: RE: Oil, politics, and legal ethics followup


From: Joanne Doroshow []
Sent: Tue 1/4/2011 10:49 AM
To: Joanne Doroshow
Subject: FYI - BP and Feinberg

The Center for Justice & Democracy sent a letter today to the state Attorneys General of Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi, respectfully requesting that they call for the release of "all documents concerning all arrangements and contracts between BP, Ken Feinberg, Feinberg Rozen and all subcontracting firms (which have enormous responsibility advising victims and adjudicating claims), so that the public, communities, local businesses and all of BP’s victims - who are not being paid - can evaluate them on their own."  The letter is here:

The reasons for this new letter are:

  1. The December 28, 2010 letter from New York University School of Law professor Stephen Gillers to Kenneth R. Feinberg, clearing Mr. Feinberg of certain ethical concerns as he administers the Gulf Coast Claims Facility.  As AP reported, Mr. Gillers was paid $950/hour by BP to produce this document.
  2. Revelations in Mobile’s Press-Register late yesterday that Mr. Feinberg has hired a BP defense firm, the Mississippi-based law firm Brunini, Grantham, Grower and Hewes, to advise victims filing damages claims through the Gulf Coast Claims Facility.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Joanne Doroshow, Executive Director
Center for Justice & Democracy
90 Broad St., Suite 401
New York, NY 10004
Phone: 212/267-2801
Direct: 212/209-7666
Cell: 917/548-5263
Fax: 212/459-0919